Tuesday 24 April 2012

Day 196 P&V (Day 2 of 3) - "Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear"

Weigh In
24 April - Same.

Thanks so much for all your comments on my manic posting from yesterday! They were really helpful and calming. I get myself so focused on negative things that I struggle to get out of that mindset. I get frustrated that my get up seems to have gone! I need to re-focus on my motivation and start again. No-one can feel positive / enthusiastic all the time, I need to remember this instead of being so hard on myself. Being so exhausted all the time doesn't help the fight, but C'EST LA VIE! Vitamins are now being taken everyday and I'm feeling more like it......... Well better than I was. I'm doing 3 P&V days to boost my system and then I'll do 3 PP's for a bit of a kick start.

I did some weights / core exercises / stretches yesterday, it felt good!

I've been looking for inspiration, I have found some great quotes on motivation/success/weight loss. I will share them tomorrow.

Here's a picture of my dinner, it was YUMMY :) I have added the recipe to my 'favourite recipe page' if anyone is interested.

Pork / Butternut Squash Mash with red peppers.


  1. ahhhh what a difference a day makes :)

    Dinner looks super yum! I had pork loin for dinner last night too :)
    Have a great day Sonia!

  2. Mmmm yummy!

    Glad you are feeling a little better.

    I ate veggies every day through Cruise and I found it didn't help with the feeling of exhaustion, just gotta plow through it. Good luck.

    I did find taking a multivitamin helped a teensy bit though.

