Thursday, 5 January 2012

Day 86 - Glad to see the back of day 85!

I thought I should blog to try and cheer myself up a bit - I've been feeling a little miserable. The weather doesn't help, neither does feeling cold ALL the time - at this moment my finger nails are a lovely shade of purple!!!

It's funny keeping a blog, you seem to notice patterns in your behaviour more easily. Before I started this diet, I used to feel quite depressed most of the time, now, I've noticed its for about 10-11 days around my TOTM. It's like a big black cloud descends over my mind and I CAN'T shift it. I feel tense, stressed, angry, like I can't be bothered with anything. Poor Tim and Amilee, yesterday Ami just looked at me, rolled her eyes like I'm crazy and said "what have I done Mummy?" (she's 21 mths)!!!!! It brought me to my senses a little.

My hormones must have been everywhere, before I devoured a family size bag of corn chips and all my daughters chocolate stash, I had a moment of sanity and thought I would look in the Dukan Recipe book, I found a Genoise Sponge Cake recipe and HASTILY set about making it, no sooner was it out of the oven, I devoured a piece and felt SO much better, the thing that makes me laugh about it, is that the recipe called for so much Aspatamene, it was actually revolting!!!! The recipe said to use 100g / 3.5oz, I stopped when I got to 75g and still, all I could taste all evening was sweetener, uuurrrggghhh......

The past few days I have been taking some vitamins containing Evening Primrose oil / Star Flower oil / B6 (don't know if they are Dukan friendly), see if that helps, it seems to be. I have tried St. Johns Wort before and it made me feel yucky. Any other ideas anyone?

On a positive note, I realised the other day that I am no longer classed as Morbidly Obese, I never thought I would be so happy being obese! ; ) I cant wait to be Overweight....... LOL.

I don't think my weight loss is going to be good this week, I feel bloated and horrible, but we'll see. Thanks for reading, I feel better already, it's very cathartic all this soul searching.


  1. I love the 2nd to last paragraph, I know exactly how you feel :)

    There is a homeopathic called ignacia. It can get you through that crappy feeling. You can get it at a health food market. Also Bach flower remedies have a few that might really help like Sweet Chestnut... Do some research on their web site and see what fits your symptoms.

  2. Thanks for that, I shall have a look ASAP! : )

    Feeling much more human today - blogging about it helped. I'd been avoiding it, you know when you just want to withdraw into yourself, but sometimes putting things into words really helps you work through it.

  3. Oh, I totally know what you mean!!! I hopped for joy when I was no longer obese, just really overweight! It's a big, big change in attitude I think! And it takes forever to go down BMI points .... but it so totally matters!!!
