Sunday, 22 January 2012

Day 103

Another pound lost : ))  Only quarter of a pound until I'm halfway! Yeah!!!

I feel like I have come so far and yet I'm a bit scared as I think the second half of my weight loss will be the hardest part. Already I'm being overly critical and expecting too much of myself. I'm looking at the changes in my body and thinking "if I look this bad now, I better not lose more weight because I will look dreadful!" I'm trying to be positive and tell myself that your body can take upto 6 months to recover after weight loss.

I think it's because I went shopping with my Mum yesterday and we looked at some clothes. Anything she picked out for me, I would immediately come back with some comment about it looking awful / making my backside look huge / showing every lump and bump, etc.

As much as I tell myself - It's what's on the inside that counts (I know it is!!!), I cant convince myself that what I look like doesn't matter.
Maybe it's how I was brought up, the ideals I was given, living with a parent who had an eating disorder and thinks that unless you look a certain way nothing else counts.You can be a good/kind/loving person but unless you are a certain size you're not living upto your full potential. I realise how crazy it sounds even whilst I'm writing it!!!

I'll work on it.

Have a great day xoxo.

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