Saturday, 28 January 2012

Day 109

Total of 3llbs lost this week. Beat my halfway target by 1.75llbs.

Morning Weigh In - 15st 9.5llbs / 219.5llbs / 99.56kgs.

I must admit the last 2 days I have been trying to eat a little more as I've been feeling very weak / low energy this week (still no sleep either which doesn't help). I didn't feel like I was under eating but over the last 5 weeks I have been trying to watch my portion sizes and not snack too much, maybe I overdid it a little. Also I need to start taking my multi-vitamin on a regular basis.

Next Goal - 210llbs by 25th February 2012. 4 weeks to lose 9.5llbs.


  1. So awesome! You're amazing and an inspiration xoxo

  2. Thanks Sandi, I can say the same about you! I can't believe how great you are doing on your vacation.... Thats a real test! And you are passing with flying colours!!!!

    Its all about choices and taking responsibility for our actions, being true and honest with ourselves (another great quote for the day by the way). I keep your wise words in mind (section of your Day 139 blog post below). xoxo

    "It’s simple… I set my mind to doing it and that is that. We ALL have willpower, it’s called CHOICE, and every minute of our days involves choice. The choice to be happy or not, the choice to make others happy or not, the choice to drink that glass of wine or smoke that cigarette or eat that carbohydrate laden donut… OR NOT. I choose not to" - Sandi.
